Minelab GPZ 7000 Metalldetektor

Minelab GPZ 7000 Metalldetektor

Normale VLF Detektoren haben nur eine begrenzte Reichweite und Eindringtiefe in mineralisierten Böden.... 

Der GPZ 7000 ist der stärkste Goldetektor der Welt - mit ZVT Technologie. Mit ihm finden Sie tiefliegende Schätze, Gold und antike Relikte. 

Niemals zuvor entwickelte Minelab einen solchen multifunktionellen,  leistungsstarken, leichtbedienbaren  und effizienten, ultimativen  Gold- und Tiefendetektor wie diesen.

Minelab GPZ 7000 Metalldetektor
9.999,00 €

9.499,00 €

  • leider ausverkauft

Mit der besten "Goldnugget" Tiefenleistung... ever, ever, ever ! 

Wieder verbesserte Minelab Ihre multifunktionellen, leistungsstarken und effizienten Gold und Tiefendetektoren.  

Mit der stärksten Tiefenleistung seit je her!

Die Weiterentwicklung des GPX 5000. 

Ein völlig neuartiges digitales Elektronisches Steuersystem erlaubt es dem Benutzer den GPZ 7000 für alle Suchbedürfnisse optimal zu tunen.

Vorgefertigte Suchprogramme  optimieren die Suche auch unter schwierigsten Bedingungen, ob bei der Schatz oder Goldsuche im Allgemeinen, unter speziellen Anforderungen oder einfach nur beim Absuchen eines Gebietes. 

Der Zugriff auf eine Reihe von verschiedensten Funktionen und Einstellungen erlaubt es dem Benutzer, seine eigenen Einstellungen vorzunehmen und diese auch zu speichern.


Damit kann jeder den bestmöglichen Erfolg und das tiefste Ergebnis erzielen. Einfach gesagt, in der Minelab Sprache:

"Minelab produziert die besten Golddetektoren der Welt!"

Der GPZ 7000 arbeitet mit der bekannten von Minelab patentierten  ZVT ( Zero Voltage ) und MPS Technologie.

Zwei verschiedene Stromstärken, die zusätzlich an eine Dual-Pulsinduktion-Transmitter Frequenz gekoppelt sind, verhelfen dem GPZ 7000 zu unglaublichen, bisher nicht vergleichbaren Eindringtiefen.


Die stärkste Leistung wird auf Gold, bzw. Naturgold (Goldnuggets) erreicht und besonders auf stark mineralisierten und salzigen Böden.


Extreme Gold Depth

So how deep can you go? Well, up to 40%* deeper than the GPX series. Old gold fields are new again, thanks to the revolutionary new ZVT technology. Minelab takes you much deeper than ever before!

Simple Menu System

The easy-to-use Menu Pages group similar functions together under Detect and Map sections, with all settings quickly accessible. Use the Guide Sequences to get started. You don’t need to be an expert to find gold!

Maximum Gold Sensitivity 

The incredible sensitivity of the GPZ 7000 with the Super?D coil gives you the ultimate advantage in the field. Find gold others have missed, from sub-gram gold through to those elusive ‘retirement nuggets’ still out there.

Wireless Audio Freedom

Detect without your headphones attached to the detector. With the WM 12 Wireless Module you have the choice of using the in-built speaker, the supplied headphones, or your favourite headphones.

Precision Ground 

Most gold is buried in the mineralised ‘difficult’ ground that many detectors can’t cope with. The GPZ 7000 accurately ‘balances’ and automatically ‘tracks’ to even the most severe ground conditions, with ease.

GPS Locating & PC Mapping 

See your location and log gold finds as you detect. With the built-in GPS you’ll efficiently cover more ground and won’t miss a nugget! Record your favourite ‘hot-spots’ by saving data to XChange 2 with Google Maps.

Enhanced Noise Immunity 

The outstanding noise immunity of the GPZ 7000 enables very smooth and quiet detecting. With 256 Noise Cancel channels, the GPZ 7000 picks up less atmospheric noise. Listen to the gold, not the noise interference!

Waterproof Coil to 1 m (3 ft)‡ 

The GPZ 14 coil is waterproof and submersible to a depth of 1 m (3 ft). You can easily detect rivers and shorelines with no fuss! The weatherproof design of the GPZ 7000 allows you to go detecting in rainy or wet conditions.

* When compared to the average performance of the GPX 5000 in typical environments. Actual performance depends on prevailing conditions.‡ GPZ 7000 detector is weatherproof only. GPZ 14 coil is fully waterproof to 1 m (3 ft). WM 12 is not waterproof or weatherproof.

New Gold Technology

A quantum leap in gold performance with breakthrough new technology from Bruce Candy.

ZVT technology goes to the NEXT LEVEL for all serious gold prospectors, providing substantially improved depth. No longer will you be limited to using either sine wave continuous VLF transmission detectors, that struggle in mineralised ground, or square wave PI transmission detectors, that can be insensitive to varying gold sizes and compositions.

“This revolutionary new ZVT technology far surpasses GPX detectors for detecting deep large nuggets AND finding gold at any depth.

The GPZ 7000 will open up the gold fields again.”

Bruce Candy, GPZ Inventor

ZVT (Zero Voltage Transmission) creates ultra?

constant high-power opposite polarity magnetic fields, increasing gold sensitivity. This innovative technology detects gold nuggets at extreme depths.


Super?D The Super?

D smart coil consists of a central transmit winding and two outer receive windings. This configuration greatly decreases interference from magnetic soils, reducing ground noise.


GPSi uses a u? blox GPS engine to integrate location and time data with detector settings. This creates WayPoint, FindPoint and GeoHunt files to use with XChange 2.


Wi?Stream uses low-power digital audio transmission to achieve no perceivable audio time lag (<10 ms). This provides reliability and maximum sound quality.


Simple Menu Navigation

With intuitive page navigation for detecting and mapping functions, and icons showing settings at a glance, you’ll be an expert in no time!


The GPZ?7000 is fully customisable and configurable, with many easily adjustable functions.

Technische Daten

  • Product Minelab GPZ7000
  • Application Gold Prospecting (Waterproof coil to 1m/3ft)
  • Technology ZVT
  • Frequency/Transmission Zero Voltage Transmission (ZVT)
  • Coil (standard) 14" x 13" Super?D Configuration with skidplate (waterproof to 1 m/3 ft)
  • Audio Output 6.3 mm (¼") non waterproof socket, Wi?Stream wireless signal transmission
  • Headphones Supplied KOSS UR 30 100 ohm with 6.3 mm plug (¼-inch) (non waterproof)
  • Visual Display Full colour LCD (320 x 240 pixels)
  • Backlight Yes
  • USB Connectivity USB interface for XChange 2 PC software
  • Memory Yes
  • Detect Modes Gold Mode (High Yield, General, Extra Deep) Ground Type (Normal, Difficult, Severe)
  • Discrimination All Metal
  • Timings -
  • Audio tone 1-100
  • Audio Type -
  • Ground Balance Auto and Manual (Quick?Trak trigger button)
  • Ground Balance Type Auto and Manual (Quick?Trak trigger button)
  • Trash Density -
  • Pinpoint -
  • Sensitivity Adjust Level (1-20)
  • Tune / Noise Cancel Auto and Manual (256 channels)
  • Threshold Level (1-50) Pitch (1-100)
  • Target Volume Adjust Range (1-20) Limit (1-20)
  • Battery Li-Ion Rechargeable Pack (7.2V DC, 72Wh)
  • Low battery alert Yes
  • Length Collapsed: 1170 mm (46.1”) Laid flat, packed position: 1304 mm (51.3”) Extended: 1526 mm (60.1”) Laid flat, packed position: 1651 mm (65.0”)
  • Weight 3.32 kg (7.32 lb) (Including GPZ 14 coil, skidplate and 72Wh battery)



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